Folly 2019
Das grüne Zitat / Zoom
Schlosspark Kaarz, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
wood, metal, vanish
approx: 250 x 190 x 200 cm
In the English garden art „Folly“ describes an unusual and often useless ornamental building with an extravagant style.
Starting for the installation was a photography from the Swiss national exhibition in Geneva 1896. The photo depicts the construction site of an immense mountain landscape, an adventure park (emerges).
The wood construction in the landscape park in Kaarz is a model-like replica of the original construction. It contradicts the extravagant design of a „Folly“ and plays with illusionistic images of landscape and architecture.
Ornamental structures were often designed to symbolize a romantic vision of past and impermanence. Contrary to this, the installation makes aware of future orientation and asks how landscape should be shaped by humans. |