andrea böning
  art in architecture
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Zwei Läufer - Two runners 2011
Jeanne-Barez-Grundschule, Berlin

Thermo plastic paint on cobble stone and asphalt
40 x 3,30 m / 11,50 x 4 m

The context for the competition was a poorly laid out landscape consisting of a new construction on the rear of an existing school complex.
The motif on the two proposed carpet runners functions as a guide to the sport facility and visually serves to connect the buildings together.

The carpet runners function as both bridge and sign post; they help to orient and serve as an invitation. Their fabrication technique and materiality tell the viewer a lot about the host and inhabitants. The runners reflect something familiar to the students; particularly from their elementary school experiences.
The graphic design of forms and colors are repeated and composed to make patterns of rhythm. Lines, line thickness and colors associated with the markings of the sport field.

The carpet runners are competitors and runners, who want to be in time in school.